Information for Parents
Free Holiday Clubs
If you would like to book your child a holiday activity with free food for October half term at a number of places across the city then please follow the link: www.yowolves.co.uk
School Comms
Dovecotes is now a cashless school and bookings and the payment of school dinners, clubs, trips and wraparound care is to be done via the School Comms App. Please find the How to Make/Amend/Cancel bookings with this School Comms how to guide.
School Brochure
For more information about the school's staff, curriculum and uniform, please view our 2024-25 School Brochure.
Information for Families
Please ensure that the school office has your full address and contact details. You should also provide an emergency contact number for another family member or friend who we could contact should you be unavailable. Please remember to let us know if you change your telephone or mobile number. Please provide an email address if possible.
2024 Multiplication Tables Check
Children in Year 4 will be participating in the multiplication tables check in June. For further information for parents please click the link here.
Home School Agreement
We request all families to provide a signed copy of our home/school agreement. You may wish to explain the content of this agreement to your child.
Road Safety
Please do not use the staff car park unless you have prior agreement from the school or need disabled access. We encourage families to walk to school if possible. If you need to drive to school please be aware of where you park and the safety of your children as they cross the road. We will do everything possible in school to include road safety awareness as part of the curriculum.
Food Banks
For anyone needing extra support City of Wolverhampton Council have provided a list of local food banks. For more information please visit Food Banks.
Healthy Start
Healthy Start offers those eligible free vouchers to spend on milk, fruit, veg and pulses. Free Healthy Start Vitamins are also offered - universal to any pregnant women/any women with children under 2/under 4 if eligible for vouchers.
For more information, please visit NHS - Healthy Start
Winter Pressures & Cost of Living Support
Please click the link below for useful information about available support for winter pressures and the cost-of-living crisis:
Winter Pressures & Cost of Living Resource Pack
Education Programmes for Parents, Carers and Grandparents
Wolverhampton's offer for Parenting support includes self-help advice and guidance with the families programme known as Journey of Change. As a Wolverhampton parent, carer, or grandparent you can access our parent education programmes free of charge.
Parenting Support - City of Wolverhampton Council