Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A)
Dovecotes Primary School has a P.T.A. committee that supports the school and our children.
The purpose of our P.T.A. is to:
Raise funds to help the school provide resources for pupils;
Help to run social events for parents and children;
Provide support for school visits, outings and other special events;
Consider ways that the school can provide support and opportunities for the wider community.
Our PTA is therefore about more than just fundraising. We exist to provide closer links between home and school, and to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school.
Committee Members
Laura Jones (Deputy Headteacher)
Maggie Taylor (Office Manager)
Esme James (Parent)
Saifa Choudhury (Parent)
Bekki Dutton (Parent)
Zoe Smith (Parent)
Naomi Durham (Parent)
Marri Evans (Parent)
Haley Mears (Parent)
Kelvin Gilkes (Parent)
The P.T.A. meet with the Deputy Headteacher at least once a half-term to discuss future fundraising events and other ways that the group can support the school and local community.
How to Communicate with the PTA
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the PTA, please email us at: PTFA@dovecotesprimary.co.uk
If you have any links with businesses that may wish to support with fundraising or donate items such as raffle prizes, food and drink to our fundraising events, please let us know.