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Head Lice

What are head lice?

Head lice are very common. They are small (adult lice are the size of a sesame seed) grey-brown insects that live only on human scalps. They cannot fly or jump; neither can they burrow into the scalp. They can affect anyone, with long or short hair, no matter how clean the hair is. We would like to point out that head lice are not dangerous and are not a sign that your child has poor hygiene. In order to stop the spread of head lice, please teach your child to avoid sharing things that have been on or near another child’s head, such as hats, helmets, hairbrushes, combs, towels, etc.


How can a head lice infestation be treated?

As a school we want to ensure parents/carers are provided with advice and support to effectively detect and treat cases of head lice affecting their children. Treatment is needed only when an active louse infestation is present; as shown by the presence of living and moving lice, or eggs that have not hatched and are attached to the hairs close to the scalp. Neither itching by itself, nor evidence of an old infestation (only empty egg cases), is a reason for starting treatment. Remember, if head lice are present please remember to check ALL members of your household. For further information on how to spot, treat, and prevent head lice, please visit NHS - Head lice and nits
In addition, the 'Once a Week, Take a Peek' campaign focuses on the need for parents/ carers to check their children's hair regularly for lice as a normal part of their family's personal hygiene routine and then take swift action should any be found. For more information, please visit 'Once a Week, Take a Peek' campaign.


How is school trying to stop the spread of head lice?

We understand that many children like to wear their hair down, but we do request that long hair is tied up to minimise head to head contact in school. Detection and effective ongoing treatment of head lice is the key to reducing outbreaks. We would appreciate parents/carers letting us know if they have discovered a head lice issue with their child.


Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

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