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Year 5 & 6 Curriculum Overview

Year 5/6 Autumn 2023


  • In English, the text ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by the acclaimed author Michael Morpurgo is taught, which is a story of an eleven-year-old boy (Michael) who gets washed up on an island on the eve of his 12th birthday and meets an old man by the name of Kensuke who has lived alone on the island for 40+ years. Pupils will compose a letter from Michael’s perspective and will also write a guide about desert island survival. We also link our reading lessons to the text, where we use our DERRIC model to decode, explain word meaning, retrieve information to answer questions, interpret characters feelings and thoughts, review sections of the text and discuss why authors have used certain techniques in our choice lessons. A video-based story called ‘Little Freak’ is then studied through the Literacy Shed, enabling pupils to see an emotional and thought-provoking genre. Pupils focus on writing a narrative of the story, including dialogue and a flashforward to the future. They also write a letter of persuasion from Little Freak’s perspective, including persuasive techniques. Handwriting development carries on from previous years, focusing on legible, cursive writing at speed. Finally, SPaG is a key focus with the revision and introduction of all verb forms (including perfect, progressive and passive) as well as the full programme of punctuation, including semi-colons and colons to demarcate clauses being introduced.     


  • For Numeracy lessons, we split into year groups. In Year 6 Maths, pupils work with numbers up to and beyond 10,000,000, including powers of 10, using number lines, comparing, ordering, rounding and reasoning from known facts. Negative numbers are also introduced contextually including addition and subtraction of them. All four operations are then developed in Year 6 with factors, multiples, primes, squares and cubes being a focus as well as both mental and formal written methods, all building on prior knowledge, including the introduction of the long method for division by 2-digit numbers. Finally, understanding of fractions is developed through equivalences, comparisons but also all four operations with fractions, including improper fractions and mixed numbers.

  • In Year 5 Maths, Roman numerals to1,000 are developed with place value focusing on numbers to 1,000,000. Powers of 10 are explored, encouraging pupils’ deeper understanding and manipulation of number as well as further comparisons, ordering and rounding of numbers. Addition and subtraction of numbers with more than four digits is developed with both mental and written strategies as well as multiple methods for checking accuracy. Multiples, factors, prime numbers, squares and cubes are introduced as well as multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to develop deeper understanding of the connections between digits. Finally, fractions are explored further in Autumn term in Year 5, focusing on equivalences, converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers and adding and subtracting fractions.


  • In Science, two units are studied this term: ‘The Earth and Space’ plus ‘Humans’ focusing on different systems of the body. Furthermore, pupils explore through practical investigations, making predictions, selecting materials, recording results and drawing conclusions for themselves based on their enquiries.


  • Our Irresistible Learning topic this term is entitled, ‘Eurovision’ and encompasses our historical and geographical learning. In History, pupils learn all about Ancient Greece and their influence on the Western World. In Geography, pupils look at our continent, Europe, in a lot of detail. A specific case study focuses on the human and physical features of Iceland.


  • In PE this term, pupils will be exploring hockey, basketball, football and yoga, with some of the lessons being taught by our Soccer 2000 coaches and some being taught by our school staff. This term, Y5/6LG pupils will be attending swimming lessons.  


  • In Art, we will be looking at collage and printing as well as undertaking a unit all about how to draw considering perspective.


  • Computing focuses on Computer Systems and Networks, learning about inputs, processes and outputs, and Vector Drawings, where pupils create images in a drawing program by layering and grouping objects.  


  • In Jigsaw, we are covering the topic “Being Me in My World” where pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their journey so far and their final year ahead in primary school before comparing this to children globally. We then move on to “Celebrating Differences” where pupils consider normality in a diverse world and power struggles. We use the Project Evolve program to deliver lessons on online safety, focusing this term on units entitled, ‘self-image and identity’, ‘managing online information’ and ‘online bullying’.


  • DT this term focusses upon textiles and pupils will be making a waistcoat. DT covers the whole design-plan-make-evaluate process.


  • In Music, learning focuses on the song ‘Living on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi and a subsequent unit called ‘Classroom Jazz’. Pupils will be given the opportunity to listen to and appraise the songs, considering their own likes and preferences as well as comparing to other, similar songs with a focus on not only the melody and instruments but also the lyrics. Pupils will learn to sing songs and play instruments including the glockenspiels.


  • In French, key learning includes phonics and sounds, dates and vocabulary linked to the topic of school.


  • In RE, we will be exploring the Five Pillars of Islam and considering the key question, ‘How and when do Christians pray?’


  • Reading a variety of genres regularly at home, as well as keeping up-to-date with homework (which will provide opportunities to share and practise what has been taught in class) will support pupils’ development. Furthermore, all pupils have access to a Times Tables Rock Stars account, which they can access from home to help them learn and recall their times tables. We thank you for your support with this.


Year 5/6 Spring 2024

  • In English, the text and accompanying film, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare is taught, which explores this classic tragedy using modern-day, simplified language. Pupils will compose a diary entry from Juliet’s point of view as well as a newspaper report about the consequences of Romeo and Juliet’s families feuding. We also link our reading lessons to the text, where we use our DERRIC skills to decode, explain word meaning, retrieve information, interpret characters feelings and thoughts, review sections of the text and discuss why authors have used certain techniques as part of choice lessons. A short novel by Michael Morpurgo called ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ is then our focus for reading and writing. Pupils complete a unit of writing on a narrative based on the mysterious tale. Handwriting development progresses on from previous years, focusing on a legible, cursive script written at speed. Finally, SPaG is a key focus with the revision of all verb forms (including perfect, progressive and passive tenses) as well as a full programme of punctuation, including semi-colons and colons to demarcate clauses.

  • For Numeracy lessons, we will still be splitting into year groups. In Year 6 Maths, pupils will start off by converting units of both metric and imperial units of measure and will then move onto Algebra and Ratio, which explores problems using unknowns and number sequences as well as proportions and enlargements. We will then move onto looking at Properties of Shape, Position and Direction as well as measurement, including the perimeter, area and volume of shapes. Finally, before focusing on revision of key skills in the Summer Term, our last unit will look at statistics, including the use of graphs and charts.

  • In Year 5 Maths, we initially focus on formal methods of multiplication and division – both short methods (by 1-digit) and long methods (by 2-digits), including remainders; rapid recall of multiplication tables and facts are imperative this term. In the second half of the term, we move onto fractions, beginning with finding equivalences as well as converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. We will also be comparing and ordering fractions as well as calculating with fractions.

  • In Science, we have moved onto a new scheme of learning from “White Rose”. Pupils will be studying the units of materials, animals and humans and life cycles this term.

  • In Irresistible Learning, we study the topic ‘Jungle Fever’ where we undertake historical and geographical learning. In Geography, South America is the focus, learning about the Amazon Rainforest and its physical and human features. In history, we learn about the ancient tribe: The Mayans.

  • In PE this term, pupils will be doing dodgeball and volleyball with our Soccer 2000 coaches, and pupils will be doing dance and badminton with their class teachers.

  • In Art, we will be exploring drawing techniques within a project called ‘Make My Voice Heard’. We do some experimental mark-making, taking inspiration from Mayan art, and we look at symbolic imagery and link it to modern day street art. Our second project is based on the work of Romero Britto where we look at compositions using bold colours and geometric patterns.

  • Computing centres around programming and data/information this term. In the programming topic, we use crumble boards and microbits to consider selection within physical computing, and in the data and information unit, we look at flat file databases.

  • In Jigsaw, we are covering the topic “Dreams and Goals” where pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their journey so far and their final year ahead, setting their own personal goals and thinking about their long-term dreams. We will then move on to “Healthy Me” where we will explore how substances affect the body as well as considering mental health and how to manage stress. For Online Safety, we use Safer Internet Day as a starting point for discussions on how to be safe and responsible when gaming, messaging and searching, and we use our Project Evolve lessons to consider privacy and security, health, wellbeing and lifestyle.

  • DT this term has a focus upon Food Technology through the theme of, “Healthy Cooking and Nutrition.” We will consider healthy ingredients, adapt recipes and make a healthy Bolognese!

  • In Music, learning focuses around ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele, then ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ as well as exploring other pieces with similar themes and titles. Pupils will be given the opportunity to listen to and appraise songs, considering their own likes and preferences as well as comparing other, similar songs with a focus on the music, instruments and lyrics. Pupils will learn to sing songs and play instruments, including the recorders.

  • In French, key vocabulary from previous years will be revisited and then time will be dedicated to building on this word knowledge through the topics of ‘My Home’ and ‘At The Weekend’.

  • In RE, we will be exploring the key question, ‘Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Islamic prayer: what difference does it make?’

  • Reading a variety of genres regularly at home, as well as keeping up-to-date with homework (which will provide opportunities to share and practise what has been taught in class) will support pupils’ development. Furthermore, all pupils have access to a Times Tables Rock Stars account, which they can access from home to help them to learn and recall times tables facts.


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